It is our mind alone that chains us or sets us free.”

~ Dr. Rinpoche

The British Medical Association formally recognized hypnotherapy as a credible treatment practice in 1955. Hypnotherapy has evolved into a frequently accepted and respected component of health and wellness. Evidence reveals that hypnotherapy can treat many physical and psychological disorders, including anxiety, chronic pain, and phobias.  

Clinical Hypnosis

When we have a hypnotherapy session together you will feel relaxed!

Keli uses various techniques to reduce distractions, improve attention, find the root cause of your current emotional distress, and heighten responsiveness to suggestions.  Hypnotherapy aims to provide healing by modifying your behavior, feelings, thought patterns, or physiological state, allowing you to live a healthier life.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is accepted in science. Using hypnosis to help people heal their minds and bodies is not new, as it has been practiced throughout history. Military surgeons used it during the U.S. Civil War to help soldiers deal with the pain of battle, and James Esdaile practiced it to treat various illnesses in India.

Hypnotherapy is also known as hypnoanalysis. It is a pleasant experience to explore the subconscious and unconscious parts of your mind. It helps us identify past experiences associated with your current problem and quickly helps us get to the root of the problem. Once we find the root cause, we can begin to heal it at a deep level. Most of the time, people do not know the exact experience that is the root cause of their issues with food, body shape, anxiety, addiction, or panic. To fully heal a problem, we’ve got to heal it at the root. If we don’t want a weed to grow back, we’ve got to pull it out at the core. If we just pull off the top, it will surely grow ba

You, the client, are always in control.

One of the biggest misconceptions and worries about hypnotherapy is that people think they are under the therapist’s control. Nothing could be further from the truth!  At Clear Minds Psychotherapy, Keli doesn’t want to control you.  She firmly believes in your right to self-determination, meaning you can choose your destiny. Remember that the movies you watch on television about a hypnotherapist controlling someone are pure fiction for entertainment.  A hypnotherapist being able to control someone is about as real as the movie Transformers, whereby cars turn into people. Nobody can be forced to go into hypnosis!  All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, meaning you must allow the process to occur.  As your hypnotherapist, Keli will be your therapist, guide, facilitator, or teacher. Keli will assist you in achieving a natural, safe, and beneficial state of mind to examine and resolve emotional concerns or internal conflicts.  Keli uses modern hypnotherapy as a collaborative process in which we will work together to investigate your inner resources so you can transform or heal. Remember, too, that Keli is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has a specific code of ethics and is legally and willingly abides by it.  

You Deserve Effective Hypnotherapy

Keli studied hypnotherapy while living in London, England, a few decades ago.  She attended 170 hours of in-classroom comprehensive training.  Most hypnotherapy training programs for psychotherapists in the U.S. are less than a week long.  There is no training in the U.S. as extensive as what’s offered overseas. You are safe and in good hands.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy | Clear Minds Psychotherapy

Hypnosis is A Natural State of Mind

Clinical hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool. Hypnosis is nothing out of the norm. "Trances" are just states of focused attention that we all experience regularly.  Have you ever driven your car, arrived at your destination, and realized your mind was elsewhere the entire time?  You were in a “trance.”  Since you already knew how to get to where you wanted to be, your subconscious mind drove while your conscious mind tuned out and thought about other, more exciting things.  Therapeutically hypnosis is a natural condition that can improve your life by releasing hidden potential. 

Women in Hypnotherapy Session

Hypnotherapy Can Help

Increasingly, brain imaging research reveals that hypnosis and hypnotherapy are scientifically and medically sound. In the hands of a trained practitioner, hypnotherapy can and does heal people from a wide range of disorders, many of which, if left untreated, progress to physical ailments and contribute to health issues.

Hypnosis is no longer a contentious "Is this stuff real?" topic.

Brain imaging scans have revealed that hypnotic suggestions influence perception, brain waves, and people's deep-seated fears and difficulties.

According to reports from Stanford University, researchers used PET scans to track neural activity and reveal that the brain processes visual input differently while in hypnosis, allowing participants to "see" color while staring at a black-and-white image. The discovery that hypnosis alters perception supports the use of the technique to improve physical and intellectual performance and to " think away" pain.

"This study lends considerable weight to the idea that hypnosis is a real neurological phenomenon," said David Spiegel, MD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and the study's senior author. Spiegel and colleagues from Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City utilized a PET scanner to track activity in the brain's visual centers. A PET scanner measures blood flow to various portions of the brain to determine which areas are active.

Since the 1800s, the issue of whether hypnosis was "real" or merely a matter of perception that could not be verified has been settled. Brain scans, MRIs, and PET scans demonstrate that when people are hypnotized, their brains respond differently than when they are not. Some of the conditions that hypnotherapists have successfully treated using hypnotherapy include:

  • Sleep disorders

  • Phobias, fears, and anxiety (such as a fear of flying)

  • Self-esteem

  • Depression

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Trauma

  • Grief and loss

  • Addiction

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Eating Disorders

  • Exam stress and anxiety in children and teenagers

You Will Feel Fantastic And Relaxed After All Your Sessions With Keli. The Result Is That You Will Feel Good And Move Toward A Happier, More Successful You.

What research shows us about hypnotherapy

You may be wondering…

  • Absolutely not! Keli uses SAFE EMDR as her primary treatment modality. You are in control of what you receive during our therapy sessions together. We will only use hypnotherapy if it’s something you are interested in doing. You can still get excellent results with SAFE EMDR because they both accomplish the same outcome.

  • Not If you receive services from a licensed mental health professional with advanced training in hypnotherapy. Unfortunately, hypnosis is not regulated, so a car salesman can take a “class” on hypnosis and start providing services to the public. This is dangerous and not recommended. When therapeutic hypnotherapy is used as a form of counseling by a highly trained mental health professional like Keli Hemingway, LCSW-S, you know you are in good hands. Keli is passionate and committed to helping you heal!

  • Every experience you’ve ever had from conception is inside your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is the storehouse of all your memories. Hypnoanalysis is a specialized hypnotherapy technique to explore your mind's subconscious and unconscious parts. It helps us to identify past experiences that may be associated with your current struggles and quickly helps us get to the root of the problem. Once we find the root cause, we can heal it deeply.

  • You often appear asleep because your body is so relaxed, quiet, and still. Your mind, on the hand, is highly active. Measurements of brain activity during hypnosis show a high level of neurological activity during the hypnosis state.

  • You will be fully conscious during her entire hypnotherapy session. Even though we have access to the unconscious part of your mind, that is not the same as being in a state of unconsciousness. When someone undergoes surgery, they are administered chemicals/drugs through an IV that render them unconscious and unaware of anything around them. They have no control over their body functions, so a urinary catheter is required during general anesthesia. You will have complete control of all your body functions, such as your bladder, and being in hypnosis is nothing like the general anesthesia experience.

  • Not at all. Please be relaxed about this concern. Keli has done over 15,000 hypnotherapy sessions and 9,000 hypnoanalysis sessions; nobody has ever experienced a false memory. Keli is a licensed mental health professional with a great deal of advanced training and uses specific techniques to prevent the creation of any false memories.

  • Keli uses an electric approach to your wellness. She integrates SAFE EMDR, Hypnotherapy, and Somatic (Mind-Body) Therapies and is also trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, and Psychoanalytic Therapy. You’ll unlikely be in hypnosis your entire session since Keli uses it as an effective adjunct tool to SAFE EMDR.